Welcome to:
Katty's Cool Computer :3 !

angels and robots are one in the same !! Don't deny it !!!

This site is a wip !! will be finished eventually !

Hiii !! Made this site cuz I practically live on the web anyways :3 I luv my friends JPEG and Mykel !! I'm new to html !

my friends sites !
Mykel's page
JPEG's page


My name is Katty (you can also call me kitty) !! I go by she/it/meow !!
Contact the Angels to be saved !!! meosw meow meow meiw meow neow meow mneow mEow meow mewwww meow mew mrew mrow meow meorw mwow mrrp


1. Sign the paperwork ! We all did it !
2. Hope to God and pray.
3. Get an office job at least once before your time comes !!

And that's it ! Do these steps and you won't be cast into the horrors of the coming tragedies :3

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